
PVGIS.COM provides information on solar radiation and PV system performance for any location in the world


PVGIS 5.2 / PVGIS 24

PVGIS 5.2 is the historical form of PVGIS used since 2007. PVGIS 24 is a more modern form of PVGIS.COM in 2024. The estimates and simulations are identical, only the form of presentation and the Printed states are different.



PVGIS 5.2 is the free standard version that made PVGIS
the world's No. 1 Solar weather data estimates.
PVGIS is the most reliable source of geographic data
to the world. Almost all solar productivity calculation and simulation software use PVGIS in geographic data.



PVGIS 24 is a free evolution of PVGIS 5.2 for solar installations only connected to the grid, mainly on the roof. PVGIS 24 is intended for installers
and solar craftsmen, more and more numerous to date.
PVGIS 24 allows growers to "residential"
and "commercial" independent companies to check and compare
the "residential" and "commercial" solar production of their current or future installation.

Evolution PVGIS 24

Use terrain shadows: The shadows of the geographical site

PVGIS 24 automatically options shadows due to local hills or mountains that can be block the light during certain hours
of the day. This calculation does not take into account the shadows from very close objects such as houses or trees.

Solar radiation database: Geographic database of solar radiation

PVGIS offers four different databases on solar radiation with an hourly revolution. PVGIS 24 automatically determines the database corresponding to your geographical production site.

PV Technology

In twenty years, many photovoltaic technologies have become marginal. On residential and commercial roofs, the majority of solar installations are made with panels made of crystalline silicon cells. This is the default choice of PVGIS 24.

Simulation Output

PVGIS 24 improves the reading of solar production month by month by offering a visualization immediate on-screen production of the month-by-month productions,
in kWh in the histogram bars and in Percentage in a summary table.

System Loss: System Losses

This is the most important evolution of PVGIS 24. PVGIS 5.2 provides a default value of 14% for overall losses in the production system of solar electricity.
This overall loss is estimated for 20 years of operation, allowing roughly estimate an average annual solar production with annual variability generally close to 3%. PVGIS 24 proposes to estimate solar production in the first year and to develop this operation for 20 years, taking into account the decline in production of photovoltaic panels on a global average of 0.5% per year (see work by Sarah and Jordan Kurtz) and seasonal variability.
Estimated solar production year by year will be very useful when extrapolating to financial estimates such as the IRR
(Internal Rate of Return and ROI (Return on Investment).

CSV, Json and radiation extract

As these options and information bring little added value to solar production simulations, they have been updated to version PVGIS 24.

Localisation Data set

the FREE tool to estimate photovoltaic production

Investing in solar panels is an option, but at what cost?
How to determine if Will the purchase of a photovoltaic device be profitable? And if so, when will it pay off?

When you contact an installer for a quote, they will certainly
give you an estimate. However, how accurate is this estimate?

It is surprising to note that finding a precise answer to this question
is an exercise difficult.

The calculation of the production of solar panels requires the consideration of many factors, such as the type of material, the age of the panels, the shading, the amount of sunlight, the orientation, tilt, and many more. For a few years now, there has been a free online solution which allows you to obtain an estimate of the production of solar panels: PVGIS "Photovoltaic Geographical Information System".

PVGIS analyzes GPS, weather and other information to determine
the profile of a solar device, then it estimates the photovoltaic production.

Using data from Google Maps, this software is both accurate and easy to use.

Forget divination, tarot cards and signs in coffee grounds, PVGIS has it
all to convince you!

PVGIS is an online tool, accessible to everyone with a simple click.

It was launched by the European Commission in 2007 with the aim of supporting the development of renewable energies by providing as much information as possible to citizens.

Key features of the PVGIS tool

The performance of a solar panel depends on many factors such as orientation,
radiation solar power, sunshine time, temperature, shading, equipment used, etc. PVGIS performs calculations by cross-referencing this data to estimate the production
of your solar panels.


PVGIS offers sunshine maps (irradiation in kWh/m²) and temperature data
for all regions of the world. It takes into account
solar irradiation as well as the elevation of the surrounding terrain.

PVGIS provides optimal data for tilt and azimuth!
This is very useful for Optimize solar
energy production and thus your yield.

Once PVGIS has performed its calculations, data and a graph will be displayed
on the screen for show you the results. You can then consult the estimate
of energy production of your solar installation, whether real or hypothetical. However, it is important to understand these numbers.

Your annual photovoltaic production displays the yield in kWh/kWp/year. Energy is expressed in kWh (kilowatt-hour):
it is the product of the power (in W) per the time (in h). Thus, 1 kWh corresponds
to the production of one kilowatt (1,000 watts) in one hour.

The power of a panel is estimated according to one hour of production in kWp (kilowatt peak).
The kWp represents the maximum expected production of a photovoltaic panel
in conditions in terms of location and use.

PVGIS remains the most advanced tool for anticipating the performance of a photovoltaic system. He It is important to remember that PVGIS operates in a theoretical environment, and that the power of the Actual Photovoltaic System
can vary greatly once it is installed and in operation.

PVGIS: Number 1 solar simulation platform in the world

PVGIS.COM is a renowned solar simulation platform developed by a consortium European solar energy professionals and experienced engineers. Thanks to the expertise independent and neutral of a high level,

PVGIS.COM Offers reliable and accurate simulations to optimize Energy investments solar.

PVGIS.COM has several significant benefits for people who are considering investing in solar panels or who are looking to do so. Optimize their existing solar installations :

1. Accuracy of estimates :

PVGIS uses accurate weather data and information specific to the place to calculate the photovoltaic production. This makes it possible to obtain estimates that are much more accurate than estimates based on general approximations.

2. Customization:

PVGIS allows users to provide detailed information on their installation, such as the type of solar panels, the installed power, the orientation, inclination, etc. This specific data makes it possible to obtain a personalized estimate of production.

3. Location Comparison :

You can use PVGIS to compare different locations in order to determine the best fit for your panel installation location Solar. This allows you to choose the best location to maximize production solar energy.

4. Decision support :

PVGIS provides clear data and comprehensible on production expected photovoltaic system, thus helping individuals to plan their projects. take decisions about their solar energy investments. You can thus Estimate the profitability of your business. potential of your installation.

5. Maximizing Efficiency :

By providing information about the optimal tilt and azimuth, PVGIS can contribute to improving visibility. Optimize your solar installation design for maximum production. This helps you get the most out of your investment.

6. Free online availability :

PVGIS is a free, accessible online tool Everywhere. the whole, making it easily accessible to individuals who wish to make estimates without having to worry. incur additional costs.

7. Given geographical variations :

PVGIS covers a large part of the globe and can be used everywhere. in many parts of the world, making it useful for people living in diverse places.

8. Performance monitoring:

Once your solar installation is up and running, you can compare the actual results with the estimates provided by PVGIS to evaluate Your system's performance and identify potential problems. Deviations.

9. Reduced financial risk :

By getting an accurate estimate of the expected PV production, you will be able to better Plan your investment, thus avoiding taking unnecessary financial risks.

10. Contribution to the energy transition :

By encouraging the adoption of solar energy, PVGIS contributes to the adoption of solar energy. the transition to cleaner, renewable energy sources, which have a positive impact on the environment.

PVGIS remains the most advanced tool for anticipating the performance of a photovoltaic system. It is It is important to remember that PVGIS operates
in a theoretical environment, and that the power The actual value of a photovoltaic system can vary greatly once installed and in operation.

This software was developed by the Research Centre of the Institute for the Environment and the Sustainable Development of the European Commission. Website